Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Let's take a look at some polls, shall we?

Usually politicans love poles. But, no, no...not the kinda poles that David Letterman's wife was stripped from, but opinion polls. The latest Rasmussen daily tracking poll shows that President Barack Obama for the first time has a negative approval index — more Americans disapprove of his job performance than approve.

In an exclusive Newsmax.com interview, pollster Scott Rasmussen - founder and CEO of Rasmussen Reports and co-founder of the sports network ESPN. He has been an independent public opinion pollster for over a decade, and most major news organizations cite his reports - has some interesting things to point out. Here are some highlights of that interview:

~ 31 percent of Americans strongly approve of the way Barack Obama is handling his job, 33 percent strongly disapprove

~ On the cap-and-trade legislation [to reduce carbon emissions], 42 percent believe it's going to hurt the economy. Only 19 percent believe it's going to help.

~ The takeover of General Motors is strongly opposed.

~ More Americans strongly oppose Obama's healthcare plan than strongly support it.

~ Only 35 percent think this system is in good or excellent shape. But people like the coverage they get by themselves. Among the insured, 70 percent say their own coverage is good or excellent. Among all Americans, only 8 percent say their coverage is poor

Wait...wha? I though Obama has said THIS is the biggest issue we have. Looks like most disagree, Mr. Obama. Where is the positive outcome from the stimulus package that was supposed to stop the biggest unemployment numbers since 1983? The emperor has no clothes, people. Wipe the liberal film from your eyes. Peel those scales back like Saul did on the road to Demascus. Amen, brother.

Now, what's worse is the media isn't reporting on this. But, when Mr. Bush was in office, geez, every day we had new poll numbers out. Why? We should expect it. The sad part is, the GOP should take notice. It's up to the Republicans to let everyone know. Wait...this just in: THEY AREN'T DOING SH*T WITH THIS INFO!!!!

Gallup – Americans, by a 2-to-1 margin, say their political views in recent years have become more conservative rather than more liberal, 39% to 18%.

In fact, Gallup also cites that “more members of all three major partisan groups indicate that their views have shifted to the right rather than to the left,” in addition to reporting last month that “40% of Americans call themselves conservative,” the highest level since 2004. Someone needs to send a memo to the Republican party that says: *AHEM*

"Dear GOP,

WAKE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!!!!!!!!! Have you seen the poll numbes? Lick that fat finger and stick it in the air and see which direction the wind is blowing...to the right....exactly! NOT to the Republican party, though. Hmmm. Why? Because more and more Americans are losing the Honeymoon feelings with Obama and beginning to take a look at his uber-liberal policies. They are turning more and more conservative while YOU [GOP] are deciding that you need to be more like the left to get votes. No, no, no. You need to create a divide. You need to take a few issues and draw a line in the sand with them. Say, "Here's how we are different. Here's how this won't work. And HERE's how we can make it work with conservative, true conservative principles.".

You see, you can't just cry foul on policy, you need to say HERE. HERE is how we can fix it.


Main Stream AMERICA!"