Thursday, June 11, 2009

Principle #2

OK. I was going to go another route here, but with the latest news article I just read I have to skip ahead. I read this article, about Obama ordering the FBI to read Miranda rights to suspected terrorists at U.S. military detention facilities in Afghanistan.

Couple of things; If you Google "Obama Miranda Rights" you only get FoxNews as a link. The other links are obviously right leaning rags. But FoxNews is the only main stream media outlet reporting it, according to a Google search. Also, in 2003 in a 60 Minutes interview Obama said that the suspected terrorists did not deserve Miranda rights like regular citizens.

Here is a snippet of the Fox News article:

"A senior Republican on the House Intelligence Committee is accusing the Obama administration of quietly ordering the FBI to start reading Miranda rights to suspected terrorists at U.S. military detention facilities in Afghanistan.

The move is reportedly creating chaos in the field among the CIA, FBI and military personnel, according to Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich. The soldiers, especially, he says, are frustrated that giving high value detainees Miranda rights -- the right to remain silent, the right to an attorney -- is impeding their ability to pursue intelligence on the battlefield, according to a story first reported by the Weekly Standard.

"What I found was lots of confusion and very frustrated people on the front lines who are trying to, well, make Afghanistan successful for the United States and its allies," said Rogers, who serves on the House Intelligence Committee."

I think the idea of telling a suspected terrorist they have ANY rights is just stupid, not to mention dangerous. But telling them they have the right to remain silent? Like my buddy Ben says, common sense people. Common sense. When did we lose it? This goes for both parties, not just Republicans right now.

Our country goes on a whirlwind apologizing tour so that those who hate us will love us more. This ties into Conservative Principle #4, but it’s not our country’s job to make people like us. It’s not our government’s role to make sure our enemies think were swell. We are in the midst of a war that we were thrown into with fundamentalist/extremist Islam and we are out trying to make nice-nice. We think if we treat the detainees better, that they’ll like us. BS. Use some common sense. They were hating us before Gitmo and they’ll be hating us after. After the Apologypalooza Obama had, Bin Laden put out 2 tapes hating on Obama and calling for the Muslim world to attack more. While Apology Watch '09 was going on, North Korea is trying to test fire nukes. While we are talking about reducing our nuclear weapons, our enemies are increasing theirs. While we are trying to close detention centers filled with suspected terrorists, give them rights as if they were American citizens, and moving them INSIDE our borders, our enemy is stocking up on ammo and threats. Common sense, people. They aren’t going to like us because we do these things. They see it as weak and an opportunity to capitalize.

Let me ask you this. Did any of those things we did, that I just mentioned, make us one bit safer? Use your common sense when you answer that one.

Have you ever thought that you were the last sane person on Earth?

Conservative Principle #2

Common Sense.


  1. I'd be interested to find out all the details in this. There doesn't seem to be a reason to read Miranda rights to people in another country in a military activity. There also seem to be a lot of conflicting reports and anonymous quotes.

  2. Regardless, the common sense part stands. It seems the Weekly Standard broke this about High Value detainees, but yes there is conflicting reports. Again, the common sense part stands.

  3. I don't know about all the legality of it, I just know that it's probably best to cover your bases if it's a high-profile person you're interrogating. As far as reading their rights out in the sand, WTF?? That's crazy, those guys have more rights in US shackles than they do anywhere else over there.

  4. Telling a suspected terrorist that they have the right to remain silent is just plain stupid. Period.
